Monday, February 23, 2009


I dont know where am I going to write the most, because I have two blogpage, or blogsite...

It's a puzzle in my brains!!!


Where to write???

After a brief arguments in my head...

I have decide that i'll write the most of my views on my friendster blogsite...

If you're still intersted reading my posts...

You can stop at this page:

thanks for wasting your time here in my blogspace, blogpage, blogsite, whatever you call it...

hope it's worth wasting for!!!


DAY 2 (for me)

To start the day...

Here's a quote:

"If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas."

-George Bernard Shaw

Sunday, February 22, 2009


The clock is ticking…

My time is running out…It’s almost midnight and I have to work this out because my internet connection is good only until 12midnight…


It’s just limited…I’m just connected with an internet cable from my pc to the computershop downstairs here in our boarding house…


I just want to leave off this stirring day with a song from the twilight soundtrack…

Hope you’ll enjoy…

Thank God there’s no classes tomorrow!!!

It’s a HOLIDAY!!!


Enjoy watching…



I really don’t want to spend my spare time typing some stuffs to fill this blog up! It’s not my nature…But as i have started this I think I don’t have the reason to halt on writing and sharing the thing in my mind…I don’t know if people are interested to know my thoughts, my feelings, my point of views, my beliefs on the things, roundabouts, all the kinds of stuffs!!! All of those, that I thought intersting, noteworthy, and remarkable for me to give attension to…

As I write this preface of my story, my own novel, I guess…

I gave sort of effort, because as I have said beforehand, i’m not fond of typing at all! But don’t be sad… I just want to expound and rustle up the parts of a new me?? or just to make myself entertained, sharing my part.

to be continue…


café au lait, café noir, caffè latte, cappuccino, decaf, espresso, Irish coffee, latte

whatever you call it...

name it!

whatever you want...

one cup fo coffee takes stress and exhaustion away...

it brings energy and vigor...

it really helps when you need to do somethings or to cram on somethings rather...

to stay up late for doing a pile of got-to-finish works...
or for some leisures...



online chatting??


texting??nah!not that much!

phone calls??no one have tried!


i could say i'm a coffee addict!!!

i love coffee so much!!!

i love coffee i love coffee i love coffee i love coffee i love coffee i love coffee i love coffee i love coffee i love coffee i love coffee i love coffee i love coffee i love coffee i love coffee i love coffee

are you one of us??

go and get your cup and pour a steaming hot brewed coffee and
experience the pleasure, the pleasing aroma that fills your lungs making your nostrils flare with delight!!!



pwede n bang pang ads??


